Sadly, I will not be home Thursday evening to color with Ava. I'll be away for work. And sadder still, Ava didn't really seem too into coloring tonight, in spite of initial excitement at the mention of our twice-weekly activity. Oh well. There's always the weekend, maybe, or at least next week. In the mean time, here is this evening's masterpiece:

"How Shakespearian"
High fives to the first to leave a comment correctly explaining the title.
P.S. - that blue scribble in the lower left corner says "Ava", so says Ava.
Don't you see the point of the A?
The man is holding a tongue in his right hand. It appears to be his thumb, throbbing with pain, but it is not. Because he has bitten his tongue so hard that it fell out of his mouth, when he tries to say, "I bit my tongue" it sounds more like "I bit my thumb" because he cannot pronounce "tongue" correctly due to the fact that his tongue is in his right hand. Hence, the title. Hight five?
Wow, Tom - interesting....anyway, I have no idea, but I like your theory. And, Daddy, that is totally an "A" and right next to it I see a "V" - so she is right, it does say Ava!
Well, Br. Tom, that is one fantastic explanation, though it is not the one I intended. So, unfortunately, no high five. However, I do think a low five or perhaps a "knuckle punch" is in line for some serious creativity.
Actually, I think your explanation is way more entertaining than the real one. The title just occured to me as an after thought in a very dry humorous sort of way. Very dry.
I'll wait around a couple days before I leave the real explanation, as not-nearly-quite-so-funny as it may be. More... educational(ish), I guess.
Oh, and I totally see "AVA" in what she wrote. I just mentioned it in an "FYI" sort of way. Sorta like my last post had a typed message from Ava. She should have her say here too, right? Right.
I bite my thumb at you - romeo and juliet
OK, high fives to Emily. Even though I already confirmed it for you at home. Was hoping you'd leave it for a few more days. :/ oh well.
Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.
Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
I do bite my thumb, sir.
Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
[Aside to GREGORY] Is the law of our side, if I say ay?
No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.
Waaaiiiit a minute. The picture says, "I bit my thumb", not "I bite my thumb". Are you sure my interpretation isn't right? Please...?
See, the trouble here is - while your interpretation wasn't "right", it was by leaps and bounds way more intelligent, witty, and far more befitting of my own humor than even my own explanation was.
The title didn't come to me until after the drawing was completed. I don't know why I drew a guy who bit his thumb. Just did. And afterwards, it occurred to me "I do bite my thumb at you", and the next thought was, in regards to the drawing, "how Shakespearian". And the following thought was "Yea, that will make a good title." And then, following that thought, was "Hey, I wonder if anybody will get it? Maybe I should pose it as a question." And then, the following thought was "I'm hungry" and it went from there.
Okay. I see the logic now. Especially the, "I'm hungry" part.
That was fun.
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